Monday, November 3, 2014

Kathleen Hanna & The Julie Ruin

Yeah Yeah it's Monday and the #skeezies have the Monday blues but trust me it will disappear after you read what #LAskeez has to share. 

Last night #LAskeez had the opportunity to see the movie "The Punk Singer" which was followed by a Q&A session with Kathleen Hanna! If you haven't seen the movie it can be found on Netflix, Amazon and other streaming services. Her raw honesty and no bullshit attitude that reflected off the screen and into her replies to the questions made #LAskeez admire this woman more than ever. She named Nirvana's top hit "smells like teen spirit",  started the Riot Girl movement, and embodies what a badass is. Enlightening people about feminism was her contribution to history and when #LAskeez had the chance to meet her yesterday we were in awe. She is definitely a humbled living legend and society needs her more than ever.

Now that #LAskeez has gone on a little rant about how awesome Kathleen Hanna is, we should probably mention that "The Julie Ruin" will be performing tonight for FREE at USC! Yes, you read that right. The Julie Ruin will be performing for FREE tonight at USC. Come out and see her perform. Something tells us that it's going to be a great show. It starts at 8pm so get there early! Here are few photos from last night. 


  1. Nice mahn, Saw ur blog URL on Twitter. I'm @Akinswaggs blogger at
