Sunday, August 24, 2014

FYF Day 1 Recap / Day 2 Musts

Good morning #skeezies now that day 1 of FYF is behind us, here is some of the good, the bad, and the ugly. I'm sad to say that for the first day of this much anticipated festival, there was a whole lot of ugly! Sure the talented artists did their thing and did not disappoint, but all of the fun and excitement did not quite make-up for the poor festival management and planning on the part of the production team. First off - the mile + line that attendees had to walk through was a sight to see. Everyone was confused and had half-serious doubts that there was even an actual festival at all. For a second there we wondered if FYF was just supposed to be a long line were you ate bacon wrapped hotdogs. 
Upon finally entering the festival and I'm talking about 2 hours later, the layout of the event was a sight to behold. For some reason the event planners thought it would be a good idea to set-up the event in a U-shape that wrapped from the west side of the colosseum on the corner of Exposition Blvd and Vermont - all the way over to the east side of the colosseum on the corner of Martin Luther King Blvd and Vermont! WOW! Yes and there were no "cut-sies" through the front/Vermont side of the venue. 
The ugly does not end there however, the set brilliantly referred to as "The Arena,"  located inside of the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena was such a disappointing mess and possibly closed? for half of the day. #LAskeez sadly attempted to watch Chet Faker in The Arena and failed. After walking around the entire Arena - every single door was closed off and what resulted was just confused and disgruntled event attendees that were left trying to push pass security guards to no avail. What-a-mess.

Alright enough of the ugly. Here are some of the highlights from last night's event: 

Yes they were wonderful. They are back and classier than ever. 

Here are today's top 5:

Dear FYF, 

I hope you're less disorganized today. 

Thank You, 

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